Massage therapy enhances natural pain relief and healing, fostering an excellent complement to a chiropractic care plan to promote your whole-body wellness. Call the office in Chandler, Arizona, or book an appointment online today to schedule your massage therapy session with our in-practice massage therapist.
Massage therapy is the practice of manual soft tissue manipulation. While perhaps best known as a relaxing treatment at spas, there are a vast variety of hands-on and instrument assisted massage techniques used. Many of these techniques focus on restoring blood flow back to the area to promote internal healing.
Massage therapy addresses the following range of issues:
Many women who experience pregnancy pain visit TruMotion Chiropractic for pregnancy chiropractic. Massage therapy can complement pregnancy chiropractic care, starting in the second trimester.
There are more than 80 unique massage therapy methods, each with its own approaches. In general, a massage therapy session involves kneading, stretching, pressure, and other instrument assisted soft tissue mobilization techniques.
The specific approach depends on your particular issues and where they originate. For example, some types of massage focus on the deeper layers of tissue, including scar tissue, while others focus more on the uppermost layers.
Massage therapy offers:
All of these factors combine to boost your whole-person wellness. Massage therapy and chiropractic care are an ideal match because they both focus on holistic (whole-body) health without using medication or invasive techniques.
Massage therapy is generally safe for all ages. However, it might not be the right approach if you have severe osteoporosis, fractures, a bleeding disorder, deep vein thrombosis, or healing wounds. Dr. Schauer can recommend the treatment approach that’s safest and best for your specific needs.
If you’re interested in learning more about massage therapy for whole-body wellness, call TruMotion Chiropractic or use the online booking tool today.