
Shoulder Pain

Chiropractic in Chandler, AZ
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Shoulder Pain services offered in Chandler, AZ

A healthy shoulder joint is necessary for your upper body’s movement and stability. Austin Schauer, DC, at TruMotion Chiropractic, treats shoulder pain and provides comprehensive care to get you back on the road to recovery. Call the office in Chandler, Arizona, or book an appointment online today to learn more about chiropractic care for shoulder injuries.

Shoulder Pain QA

We can address a wide array of shoulder pain, no matter the cause. Whether you are dealing with thoracic outlet syndrome, frozen shoulder syndrome, impingement, osteoarthritis, bursitis, brachial plexus injury, or cervical radiculopathy/referred symptoms we can address all of these issues through chiropractic care.
Whether you were involved in a physical trauma, including a car accident or a sport related injury, or your shoulder pain is related to repetitive nature from a job related task we can assess and treat for long lasting improvement without the need for surgical intervention. Dr. Schauer will perform a physical examination, a thorough medical history and possibly a x-ray radiograph to better evaluate your shoulder pain. At TruMotion chiropractic it is always our focus to get to the root cause of the pain/injury. 
There are four main muscles and tendons of the rotator cuff, including the supraspinatus, subscapularis, infraspinatus and teres minor . These four muscles provide the stability for the shoulder joint. If any one of these muscles is affected, it can cause instability of the shoulder.
We also educate our patients on proper body mechanics, ergonomics, and joint protection to further alleviate this pain. 
The health benefits of Chiropractic: 
• reduced inflammation
• reduced pain
• improved range of motion
• improved flexibility
• increased muscle strength and tone
These benefits are important not only for your short-term, but preventing harm to your shoulders in the long-term as well. Improvements and flexibility range of motion and muscle strength can lower your odds of falling, fractures, and sprains. The education you gain from this process can also serve as preventative care and benefit you in the long term.